counter strike 1.4

  • Download counter strike 1.4 Free Full Activated
  • Download counter strike 1.4 Free Full Activated
  • Download counter strike 1.4 Free Full Activated
  • Download counter strike 1.4 Free Full Activated
  • Download counter strike 1.4 Free Full Activated

Free download game counter strike 1.4 full version standalone offline installer for Windows, Counter-Strike 1.4 is one of the classic shooting games where two teams face off in competitive battles. The game offers fast-paced and thrilling gameplay with a wide array of weapons.

counter strike 1.4 Overview


The story of Counter-Strike 1.4 revolves around an ongoing conflict between terrorists and counter-terrorist forces. Players must choose between the two teams and engage in battles that require coordination and tactics.


The game features fast-paced gameplay where two teams fight against each other on various maps. Players rely on teamwork and tactics to achieve victory, with access to a wide range of weapons.


  • Fast and exciting gameplay.
  • Diverse and engaging maps.
  • A wide array of weapons and gear.
  • A strong competitive experience focusing on teamwork.

Minimum System Requirements

  • OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
  • Processor: 500 MHz or equivalent
  • RAM: 128MB RAM
  • Video Card: 16MB video card
  • Storage: 1GB

Recommended System Requirements

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Processor: 1.0 GHz or equivalent
  • RAM: 256MB RAM
  • Video Card: 32MB video card
  • Storage: 1GB

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How to download and install counter strike 1.4

Or you can read the article dedicated to the download and installation steps: How to download softwares from peskgames


513.78 MB
Game Details
  • Game Size
    513.78 MB
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