"Frostpunk 2" transports players to a bleak future where the Earth remains frozen after a global ice catastrophe, and vital resources are scarce. The story revolves around managing a surviving city struggling to endure in this unforgiving world. While the first game focused on coal as a key energy source, "Frostpunk 2" shifts the focus to oil, sparking new moral dilemmas and political conflicts over the exploitation of this resource. Every decision you make as the leader can dramatically impact the city's society, and you must navigate internal and external challenges to keep your community together.
"Frostpunk 2" offers strategic gameplay that emphasizes resource management and critical decision-making. You control the development and growth of your city amidst extreme weather conditions, where you must make tough choices that affect the lives and morale of your people. The game requires you to develop strategies for energy production, food supply, and keeping the population's spirits high. Additionally, new challenges such as managing political opposition arise, as your decisions could lead to rebellion or social division within your city.
- Manage a city in a harsh, frozen environment filled with challenges.
- Shift from coal to oil as a primary energy source with complex gameplay evolution.
- Moral decisions that affect the community's survival and shape the narrative.
- A complex political and social system with potential internal opposition.
Minimum System Requirements
- OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
- Processor: Intel Core i5-3470 or AMD FX-6300
- RAM: 8 GB
- Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 390
- Storage: 30 GB
Recommended System Requirements
- OS: Windows 10/11 (64-bit)
- Processor: Intel Core i7-8700K or AMD Ryzen 5 3600
- RAM: 16 GB
- Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 or AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT
- Storage: 30 GB (SSD)
How to download and install Frostpunk 2 + Bonus Content
Press the green "Direct Download" button only, and the download will take place within two seconds automatically, without any intervention from you.
Turn off the firewall in Windows so that no crack files are deleted after decompression. You can follow the steps in the following article: How to disable Windows Defender Antivirus
To decompress the file, you need some simple steps. First download the Winrar program if it is not already on your device, and then you can follow the steps through this article dedicated to the decompression method: How to decompress RAR files
Open the installation folder after decompressing and click on the installation file.